Saturday, January 30, 2010

the future of video games?

Hi people. here is a short two paragraphs I wrote for my multimedia class homework and i wanted to share my thoughts with whoever is interested. :)

When I think of video games, I am overwhelmed! I ask myself where do I even start? The subject is so vast, with so many different play types and titles. But that is what makes video games such an amazing technology. Not but 60 years ago the very first video game was released in the fall of 1958. The game was called 'Tennis for Two', a pong-like game that had two controllers plugged in to an analog computer. If you remember anything about this game, or even seen it being played, you'd probably think "how is that even entertaining?". The graphics were set to two different colors, there was nothing aesthetically attractive about it. Nowadays we have video games that are made to go on infinitely, ones that you can't win! An example is the game 'Spore', by the creator of the well-known title 'The Sims'. You design your own creatures, and assist them in their daily lives. If you were born back in the early days of the 1900's, you couldn't even fathom that other life existed outside of our planet. To make things even crazier, the world witnessed it's very first man to video game marriage in November of 2009. The game is called Love Plus, and it's a video game programmed specifically for you to fall in love with!

So now that we have humans falling in love with video games, and games where the goal isn't to win but evolve, the futures of gaming almost seems unlimited. There are talks about virtual reality video game rehab improving hand function for people diagnosed with cerebral palsy. This leads me to believe that in our near future video games will be used to treat all kinds of hand and eye limiting diseases. Our children may one day be going on class field trips to Jupiter, without even leaving the comfort of their class rooms with the assistance of muscle sensors.
The way video games are evolving, they can turn into our teachers, our lovers, our doctors, and our best friends. No longer will mom tell you "video games rot your mind", instead she'll be hassling you to lock yourself up in your room in front of the television.

Virtual reality tele-rehab improves hand function: Playing games for real recovery

Virtual-Reality Video Game To Help Burn Patients Play Their Way To Pain Relief

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The Future of Video Game Input: Muscle Sensors

~ yours truly

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