Friday, March 19, 2010

okay so

i just now remembered what my dream was about yesterday morning ('cause its 4:58 am at the moment). i went to africa with some friends to feed some starving village kids and then we tried to leave and im the only one who didnt get away they grabbed me and started eating me. cannibalistic starving african tribe children.... fucking freaky ass dream.
i finally bought a domain and a host from my professor actually suggested it to me while he was telling me he's going to be getting me more clients who want websites built. its about fuckin' time because i've been wanting one for years. i just now got done making the banner, and i'm going to mess with the html from this code i just typed up a couple days ago because i was bored. it looks almost exactly like my website. so this is gonna be temporary until i start making the kawaii space themed layout i've thought out in my head. im def not giving anymore details so no cats decide they like my idea.
right now i'm watching an episode of moral orel that i know i haven't seen yet. and i really thought i saw them all because it got canceled. maybe im wrong? but all these episodes i havent seen have been on.. anyways i'm spontaneously at a loss for words so i'm going to post some pictures of some new art i've done on photoshop, new junk i've collected from the arcade, and pictures of me. (fyi; click on the thumbnails to view larger)

crazy sunglasses i got from the arcade

more crap i got from the arcade


piggy bank i got from the dollar tree and i gave to laura

me in the romper i made

and lastly... yummy crap i put in my tummy (except not those sandwich bags)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

arts stuff

im not really tired, its 5 am and i should be asleep but i cant so im gonna post an entry. i kinda feel like writing anyways. these past 2 weeks ive gotten really gross and sick so going to class and doing my homework has been sort of a challenge i feel really awful about it because now i have all this homework to get done by the end of the week (this is my own personal deadline).. heres my photo manipulation assignment i had for this past week.

i found the panther on flickr. it took a lot of dodging, burning and smudging to make the panther look like its behind the glass. even so i still dont think it looks the way i wanted it to, but my teacher thought it was great so thats all that matters. i had to take about 50 pictures of that jar because the lighting was all wrong but i finally got the winning picture. that jar was fun to make i will admit. i went to the store and bought that sand you use for sand art so i have about 9 other different colors and ive got a huge rock collection and plenty of jars. so im definitely going to make more and put my tiny miniatures i collect from 25cent machines inside.
i just bought some resin molds and im gonna start messing around with resin casting. i just see all these tiny miniatures and i think to myself "wow $10 is a lot for something so tiny and i wish i can make it myself".. heres the two cameo settings i bought this morning;

i found and it has everything you need to get started. although most of the supplies are in japanese i dont think you'll have problems finding instructions on google.... unless you're an idiot.

~ yours truly