Sunday, November 7, 2010

~*~**~*~*~comic geniuses~*~*~**~*~

11/07/10 14:17:28 Messia: #SA#SO
11/07/10 14:17:47 mimi: meow <3
11/07/10 14:17:56 mimi: hows it hangin
11/07/10 14:17:56 Messia: How
11/07/10 14:17:59 Messia: U
11/07/10 14:18:01 Messia: Lol
11/07/10 14:18:04 Messia: Is k
11/07/10 14:18:08 mimi: it hanging still?
11/07/10 14:18:17 mimi: its not sucked up inside
11/07/10 14:18:28 mimi: or didnt get cut off by some crazy woman
11/07/10 14:18:29 mimi: ?
11/07/10 14:18:43 Messia: You wrong
11/07/10 14:19:04 Messia: Weird ladi
11/07/10 14:19:16 mimi: i just woke up from the weirdest shit
11/07/10 14:19:26 mimi: i was in some ghetto neighborhood
11/07/10 14:19:42 Messia: Shouldn't be sleep pooing then
11/07/10 14:19:56 mimi: and these kids were trying to poke needles in me and drain my blood so they can put it in them cause it was a rush or something
11/07/10 14:20:08 Messia: Wtf
11/07/10 14:20:15 mimi: and i was screaming MY PRECIOUS LIFE
11/07/10 14:20:17 Messia: You are a drug I c
11/07/10 14:20:21 mimi: YOURe DRAINING MY LIFE OUT OF ME
11/07/10 14:20:29 mimi: PLEASE STOP
11/07/10 14:20:38 mimi: STOP I HAVE HEPATITUS YOU'LL GET SICK
11/07/10 14:20:40 Messia: Once people has d
11/07/10 14:20:45 mimi: and their like... we have it too
11/07/10 14:20:48 mimi: and im like fuck
11/07/10 14:20:50 Messia: Lol
11/07/10 14:20:56 mimi: that was a nightmare
11/07/10 14:21:05 Messia: You should make a comic
11/07/10 14:21:21 Messia: Or teem with Tom burton
11/07/10 14:22:09 Messia: I thought ze other day
11/07/10 14:23:07 Messia: Wirk
11/07/10 14:23:30 Messia: If you have multiple personality disorder
11/07/10 14:23:51 Messia: And one is dieting but he other not
11/07/10 14:23:58 Messia: How doss that work
11/07/10 14:24:37 mimi: Tim burton*
11/07/10 14:24:48 mimi: i have no idea............
11/07/10 14:24:50 Messia: Ye iPhone crap
11/07/10 14:24:52 mimi: hold on
11/07/10 14:24:53 mimi: brb
11/07/10 14:25:38 Messia: K
11/07/10 14:28:59 mimi: ok
11/07/10 14:29:14 mimi: this could totally be a comic
11/07/10 14:29:17 mimi: youre a genius
11/07/10 14:29:26 mimi: and my dreams are genius
11/07/10 14:29:35 Messia: But mainly me
11/07/10 14:30:39 mimi: o_0
11/07/10 14:30:43 Messia: Ha
11/07/10 14:30:56 mimi: we could call it....... little red riding hood, has to get to her grandmothers house to eat
11/07/10 14:31:04 mimi: and there are obstacles in the way
11/07/10 14:31:27 mimi: like crazed teenagers who try to drain her blood for a high
11/07/10 14:31:34 Messia: Like junkie bloodloving rushvampires
11/07/10 14:31:40 mimi: yes
11/07/10 14:31:42 mimi: YES
11/07/10 14:32:27 mimi: we could make it so that they are sick vampire teens who live in the ghetto and they need to shoot up blood in their arms to feel good
11/07/10 14:32:45 Messia: Little tess riden in the hood
11/07/10 14:32:45 mimi: its genius
11/07/10 14:33:23 Messia: Ha
11/07/10 14:33:23 mimi: YES
11/07/10 14:33:23 mimi: except it would have to be Red because she's full of blood
11/07/10 14:34:20 Messia: Ob
11/07/10 14:34:20 Messia: Oh
11/07/10 14:34:23 mimi: and the big bad wolf will be my mom
11/07/10 14:34:23 Messia: Liddel red riding in da hood
11/07/10 14:34:49 Messia: We r truly urban comic geniusness
11/07/10 14:35:17 mimi: we are soooooo urban comic geniuses
11/07/10 14:35:24 * mimi puts on my shades and hi5s you

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