Monday, October 25, 2010

comic books

went to go pick up some more comics to feed my boredom. i ended up sitting at the comic shop for a couple hours reading this comic called Fables and LOVED it. Snow White is HOT. i recommend this comic to anyone even though i haven't finished it yet. also, Walking Dead premiers on Oct 31 on AMC so make sure you tivo it or record it or set your alarm because you can't miss it, its going to be EPIC WIN. in celebration i went and bought volume 1. i started reading Lady Death first and wow.. just wow, i am impressed. its seriously the best thing since sliced bread. you need to read Lady Death!

i also picked up more pokemon cards, i wanted to buy the undaunted series but they were all out so i settled with heartgold/soulsilver to see what they were like.


  1. i evny you so much, gurl :( i wanna spend my monies on comics and poke cards too!
