Sunday, November 7, 2010

~*~**~*~*~comic geniuses~*~*~**~*~

11/07/10 14:17:28 Messia: #SA#SO
11/07/10 14:17:47 mimi: meow <3
11/07/10 14:17:56 mimi: hows it hangin
11/07/10 14:17:56 Messia: How
11/07/10 14:17:59 Messia: U
11/07/10 14:18:01 Messia: Lol
11/07/10 14:18:04 Messia: Is k
11/07/10 14:18:08 mimi: it hanging still?
11/07/10 14:18:17 mimi: its not sucked up inside
11/07/10 14:18:28 mimi: or didnt get cut off by some crazy woman
11/07/10 14:18:29 mimi: ?
11/07/10 14:18:43 Messia: You wrong
11/07/10 14:19:04 Messia: Weird ladi
11/07/10 14:19:16 mimi: i just woke up from the weirdest shit
11/07/10 14:19:26 mimi: i was in some ghetto neighborhood
11/07/10 14:19:42 Messia: Shouldn't be sleep pooing then
11/07/10 14:19:56 mimi: and these kids were trying to poke needles in me and drain my blood so they can put it in them cause it was a rush or something
11/07/10 14:20:08 Messia: Wtf
11/07/10 14:20:15 mimi: and i was screaming MY PRECIOUS LIFE
11/07/10 14:20:17 Messia: You are a drug I c
11/07/10 14:20:21 mimi: YOURe DRAINING MY LIFE OUT OF ME
11/07/10 14:20:29 mimi: PLEASE STOP
11/07/10 14:20:38 mimi: STOP I HAVE HEPATITUS YOU'LL GET SICK
11/07/10 14:20:40 Messia: Once people has d
11/07/10 14:20:45 mimi: and their like... we have it too
11/07/10 14:20:48 mimi: and im like fuck
11/07/10 14:20:50 Messia: Lol
11/07/10 14:20:56 mimi: that was a nightmare
11/07/10 14:21:05 Messia: You should make a comic
11/07/10 14:21:21 Messia: Or teem with Tom burton
11/07/10 14:22:09 Messia: I thought ze other day
11/07/10 14:23:07 Messia: Wirk
11/07/10 14:23:30 Messia: If you have multiple personality disorder
11/07/10 14:23:51 Messia: And one is dieting but he other not
11/07/10 14:23:58 Messia: How doss that work
11/07/10 14:24:37 mimi: Tim burton*
11/07/10 14:24:48 mimi: i have no idea............
11/07/10 14:24:50 Messia: Ye iPhone crap
11/07/10 14:24:52 mimi: hold on
11/07/10 14:24:53 mimi: brb
11/07/10 14:25:38 Messia: K
11/07/10 14:28:59 mimi: ok
11/07/10 14:29:14 mimi: this could totally be a comic
11/07/10 14:29:17 mimi: youre a genius
11/07/10 14:29:26 mimi: and my dreams are genius
11/07/10 14:29:35 Messia: But mainly me
11/07/10 14:30:39 mimi: o_0
11/07/10 14:30:43 Messia: Ha
11/07/10 14:30:56 mimi: we could call it....... little red riding hood, has to get to her grandmothers house to eat
11/07/10 14:31:04 mimi: and there are obstacles in the way
11/07/10 14:31:27 mimi: like crazed teenagers who try to drain her blood for a high
11/07/10 14:31:34 Messia: Like junkie bloodloving rushvampires
11/07/10 14:31:40 mimi: yes
11/07/10 14:31:42 mimi: YES
11/07/10 14:32:27 mimi: we could make it so that they are sick vampire teens who live in the ghetto and they need to shoot up blood in their arms to feel good
11/07/10 14:32:45 Messia: Little tess riden in the hood
11/07/10 14:32:45 mimi: its genius
11/07/10 14:33:23 Messia: Ha
11/07/10 14:33:23 mimi: YES
11/07/10 14:33:23 mimi: except it would have to be Red because she's full of blood
11/07/10 14:34:20 Messia: Ob
11/07/10 14:34:20 Messia: Oh
11/07/10 14:34:23 mimi: and the big bad wolf will be my mom
11/07/10 14:34:23 Messia: Liddel red riding in da hood
11/07/10 14:34:49 Messia: We r truly urban comic geniusness
11/07/10 14:35:17 mimi: we are soooooo urban comic geniuses
11/07/10 14:35:24 * mimi puts on my shades and hi5s you

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


im gonna cut this short cause im all tired.
i went to styles, got some blank shirts and tank tops for screen printing and a few other articles of clothing that i absolutely love. i wanna go back and get more! styles is my new shopping place to get blank tees and tanks. then i went to target and got some black and white striped gloves and this SUPER cute skelopiggy bank that fits in perfect with my random skeleton animal collection.

Monday, October 25, 2010

comic books

went to go pick up some more comics to feed my boredom. i ended up sitting at the comic shop for a couple hours reading this comic called Fables and LOVED it. Snow White is HOT. i recommend this comic to anyone even though i haven't finished it yet. also, Walking Dead premiers on Oct 31 on AMC so make sure you tivo it or record it or set your alarm because you can't miss it, its going to be EPIC WIN. in celebration i went and bought volume 1. i started reading Lady Death first and wow.. just wow, i am impressed. its seriously the best thing since sliced bread. you need to read Lady Death!

i also picked up more pokemon cards, i wanted to buy the undaunted series but they were all out so i settled with heartgold/soulsilver to see what they were like.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


i also went to joanns to pick up a few odds and ends for some crafting i needed to get done after walking around Old Town for a few hours. i got some clay, and some clay tools, some clay softener that i've been needing forever (and this is a must have if you sculpt with sculpey cause that shit gets hard as rocks and its not even baked. i got three strands of pretty autumn inspired garland that i want to strand above my curtains or possibly the mosquito net over my bed, then i got some black peacock feathers, an urn, and an LED branch to make this gothic bouquet of black silk flowers.

oh and heres a couple more antique photos i bought at another antique shop and scanned for your viewing pleasure.

adventures in antiqueing

~ i went antique shopping last night but had to come in today to pick everything i had picked out card got declined!! eek!! that was so embarrassing, i ended up getting there twenty minutes before they closed. they had so many beautiful things at the antique mall i went to called Granny's Attic. theres also a second antique mall right next to granny's called Grandpa's Attic. i haven't yet explored the place because Granny's attic was huge and i haven't explored the entire mall yet, so next weeks mission is to go back there and finish looking and start on grandpa's attic. anyways heres a few treasures i bought
i got this great chandelier that i hung right next to my bed, although i did hit my head on it enough to make me want to move it to the other side of my bed and i decided i was going to paint the flowers a rusted over black color even though the rosey-pink is gorgeous, it doesnt match my room.

spotted this old photo taken of a dead man in his casket, his wife and daughter peering inside.. it was so gruesome that i had to have it.. for $20... expensive, but it was worth it because it fits in perfectly with the rest of the oddities in my sideshow of a bedroom. i apologize, my scanner doesn't do the photo justice. click on it to see it larger.

this cage was fairly small, but would fit my black crow in there perfect. it also wouldn't cause too much tension on my ceiling, so it was perfect to hang in the corner of my room where there isn't any decorations.

i got a set of deers for only $8 that goes with my ever-expanding, but small deer collection my great-grandmother gave me when i was a little one. they were too cute to pass up and "hooved" creatures seem to be very "in" this year.

i bought a porcelain doll head for $2 and placed it in a really neat looking jar i also bought for $4 for a spooky feel.

lastly, i got another singer dress form, but this one is a small size and this one adjusts to my own measurements while the other dress form i have is a medium and is too big for me. but i am so glad i have it and only for $70 it was mine, that is SUPER cheap. and it comes in handy for all my clients who are petite and just in general makes life much easier. hurray for dress forms!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

new decorations

ive had this lighted spider web up for awhile but just decided to take a photo. i got it at walmart for $6 and the spiders come with. (you can see my fake human organs on top of my fridge, i got these for a dollar each at the dollar tree).

my brother and his friends wanted to do a seance so they borrowed my ouija board and they didnt return it for 4 weeks, but i finally got it back and put it up on my wall. honestly, i dont believe in ghosts but i wish they were real 'cause i'd totally want to meet a ghost.

i got my vampire girl vs. frankenstein girl posters from comic-con. its one of those japanese gore movies and its made by the same people who did tokyo gore police. so yeah gore + hot azn chicks. thats all you need to know.

i just did this set up, that tree is a candle holder i got from michaels for $10, the tombstone from michaels for $4, the ragdoll kitty is hand made, the skulls are from dollar tree for $1 and the spider webbing from michaels for $2. the black shelf is from the thrift store for $3.

a kitty tin pail from target for $1. you can get plain tins and paint on them just like this.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


i just found my sun hat and i just started making a sun dress to go with it (i know its not summer anymore but trust me it gets hot here in california). there was a black and white striped sun hat too but i thought all black was a better choice and looked classier.

i have a really shakey hand.

look at these tiny skulls they are so cute!! i have so many ideas so im not sure what i wanna do with these, i might have to go buy more to do everything i want to do with them. they were only a dollar at the dollar tree.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

what the crap is a checkerist?

its funny how i got banned from the pagan community forums because two "checkerists" decided to pick on me. and the mods ban me in their favor? i've been a member for almost 3 years and this is how i am treated.. i heard that they've done this before and i wasn't the only one to be banned because they didn't like someone.. nice to know. what the fuck is a checkerist anyway? next time i join one of these types of forums im only joining a wiccan based forum.

Friday, October 1, 2010

thunder storms

it was thundering, lightning and raining, not to mention it was humid.. what a perfect opportunity to take photos.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

macro photography

i had an assignment for photography class to take 5 macro images.

Friday, September 24, 2010

a few odds and ends

i love halloween, i always pick up awesome goodies for super cheap. heres some stationary im excited to use for writing to my pen pals.

vampire, black cats, and pumpkin erasers to give out.

notepads ~

some more ringed notepads

halloween sticky notes so cuuuteee!!

halloween stamps

and.... pokemon cards. these are the new cards out so i thought i'd buy 'em in hopes i'd get an umbreon and a gengar. i got a haunter and misdrevious. also another thing thats cool about these is they have different illustrations so you never get the same eevee picture etc..

Thursday, September 23, 2010

my how to draw books just arrived!

my how to draw books arrived in the mail!! im so excited i've been waiting for kodomo manga forever and my dad surprised me, i didnt even know he was going to order me a pokemon book either. how awesome!! what a great surprise. im so happy.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

comic book shop

i went to the comic shops a few weeks ago and picked up 2 copies of tank girl and i also picked up a limited edition domo-kun skeleton figurine.. and im not sure if i should open it or not. I really wanna open it. should i? :(

tank girl


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

spooky tutes

i am obsessed with halloween and wish it could be all year round. i always get in the mood when halloween is just around the corner. heres some awesome new projects i will be working on this month;

Martha Stewart Coffin Table

Black Cat Pillows

Raven Costume

Monday, August 9, 2010

cuckoo clock of doom - free tutorial

i was looking for a cuckoo clock to go with the style of my new bedroom but they were all so expensive. i've made clocks before, but never a cuckoo clock. so i hunted for a free tutorial and pattern and i found it!
Cuckoo Clock of Doom

Heres a printable template courtesy of Creepy Cupcakes
Printable Template

Sunday, July 25, 2010

anime and anime and anime

So comic con was really awesome, i had so much fun and wish that i had gotten the 4 day passes but they were already sold out when i bought my tickets back in november. so i decided that next year im going to buy the 4 day passes and stay at valerie's apartment in la jolla so i dont have to drive all the way back home. i think hunter is old enough to go to comic con next year too, he'll be 6 or 7 years old i forgot but im definitely taking him, hes already following in auntie fahren's footsteps that little nerd >:).
anyways i'm going to post all the pictures after i upload the other pics from my friends camera. anndddd i guess i can tell more of my adventures after i post the pictures.
i will be making some cosplay neko ears and tail today!

and then im going to go buy some white eyeliner at sally's so i can practice michelle phan's version of anime eyes today.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

~ im going to comic con ~

ILL BE AT COMIC CON IN LESS THAN 8 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, July 18, 2010