Monday, December 28, 2009


i had a good christmas i got everything i wanted except 2 things a new sewing machine and a tablet. but yeah besides that it was good. after i opened presents i built the carousel which took me 7 hours. yesterday i built the green grocer and i dont remember how long it took me, almost the whole day though. and i had to seperate them by color and shape cause there were so many pieces.

and me building the carousel

~yours truely

Thursday, December 17, 2009


hi its me again. its only 3 pm- almost 4. i am so bored. i think my roomate just got home LAME. they all kind of annoy me, not to sound like a bitch or anything but i guess im just easy to annoy, and i cant live with other people. i need to live alone or i cant be satisfied. im watching fairly oddparents and wishing that rockos modern life would come on!!! im supposed to be cleaning my room right now. im afraid that ive been getting extremely lazy lately. its horrible.. i try to watch FAT people on discovery channel so i can scare myself into not laying around all day but it doesnt work. lack of a job or school to get up for has made me feel too comfortable to get excited to get outta bed in the morning. ooohhhh yeah speaking of being extremely excited i cant wait for christmas...GOSH I CANT WAIT. its all i can think about..yeah whatever gosh i am like 5 seriously. i looked at my presents lol. that just made me more anxious because im getting a scanner/printer/copier. i think yesterday i was thinking about elementary school and how i used to play double dutch like every day at recess and so im going to go buy jump ropes. i still remember a few classic jump rope games but mainly i wanna see if i can even still jump rope, im semi-old.
~ yours truely

i found these on this chicks blog --> both-styles

~yours truely

Monday, December 7, 2009

donuts have rabies

i been playing the new super mario bros game for wii and its so much fun. im kind of disappointed that it wasnt longer i feel like i flew threw it.. im at bowser right now and getting so annoyed with myself because i keep dying. its like one of those levels you know you can beat because the route is easy but you dont understand how you keep fucking it up at the same parts. also dont play this game with little kids they dont have proper video game etiquette.. and if you play this game you'll understand what im going on about makes you want to rip your hair out. but anyways it seems short but im guessing thats cuz super mario galaxy 2 is coming out. CANT WAIT. speaking of cant wait i cant wait for xmas. i love how pretty much everyone i know doesnt believe jesus was their savior but we still all do the normal holiday things. its really awesome cuz who doesnt want a day dedicated to getting free shit besides on your birthday. i already know im getting a scanner because i looked at my presents lol. i wanna buy a tablet with the money i get from babysitting this wednesday. i hope i get a lot of stuff i want this year.

~yours truely

Friday, November 20, 2009


i am very relaxed right now. its 2 am. this week went by pretty fast and i've been trying to get as much done as possible to get enrolled in college and applying for financial aid benefits. it seemed intimidating at first with everything i had to fill out but i got most of it done tonight. I really need to try and get some new pictures up and start plotting out on a piece of paper some projects i wanna set for myself to get done this month. i have a few goals for the new coming year. wanna move out of this house and rent a condo, apartment or house. i tend to enjoy smaller spaces so an apartment or condo sounds ideal. and ill officially be roomate-free. i definately need to get a tablet! ive been meaning to replace my old one which died of old age a few years ago and never got to it. need a printer/copier/scanner. i want a new sewing machine!! im forced to sew by hand. it would be pretty convenient to have a paper shredder. i want a blender and a toaster oven as well. which reminds me that i found a toaster oven on freecycle and im hoping this girl replies back to me so i can go pick it up. i started getting back into LittleBig Planet and it inspires me so much. Nick and I played it a bit tonight with his nephews when we were babysitting. they were really entertained by it. but not as entertained as they were watching nick play Drake's Fortune. im gonna attempt to say goodnight to furcadia and then hit the sack.

~ yours truely

Monday, October 26, 2009

zombies zombies zombies

hey peoples. last night i finished sewing up an old shirt that was too large and didnt fit. so now it fits me nicely. i'm going to get around to taking some pictures, and maybe a short tutorial because i've had a few friends already ask me how i "do that to my shirts". as i was sewing last night i watched yet another zombie movie. it's called Zombie Strippers and Jenna Jameson is the star. i absolutely went apeshit for this film. its amazing, and its unbelievable, corny and funny as hell. i would highly recommend you watch the unedited version if you wanna see the porno part of it, but if you arent into that, you should just watch the edited version. its very funny and there is no nudity. the zombies in this movie were smart, and it kind of gave me the feeling of a vampire movie because all the girls wanted to change after seeing the main character change into a zombie and become even better at stripping. they werent mindless and well.. i guess i just want you to see this movie. its so funny!!
well im going back to sewing. pics soon.

~yours truely

Saturday, October 24, 2009

i wanna cuddle with a zombie

so yeah night of the living dead is coming on right now so gonna make shit short. just wanted to say that i was watching currenTV and they talked about cuddle parties LUL -->
id go to a cuddle party for a free massage. stranger:can i touch your feet? me:no but you can give me a deep tissue massage thanx
but yeah just wanted to say that and i posted a new vid-->

~yours truely

Thursday, October 22, 2009


what if i turn into my halloween costume no one would ever date me...

~yours truely

Sunday, October 18, 2009


i wanted to delete my old blog and make a new one. so yeah. hi.

~yours truely